Unmatched knowledge and experience
We are specialists in shipping, navigation and maritime risk
We deliver advanced shipping and navigation studies to inform safe, sustainable decision making.
We manage impacts and risks to ensure maritime infrastructure projects can safely co-exist with other users.
And we help you stay abreast of evolving regulatory and technology requirements - making sure you are compliant and have the right systems in place to tackle current and future challenges.
Offshore Energy
As offshore energy projects grow in scale and number, developers need to manage increasingly complex impacts and risks to successfully coexist with other maritime stakeholders.
We have unmatched expertise in shipping and navigation assessments, used throughout the lifecycle of major offshore energy projects.

Maritime Infrastructure
Managing navigation safety and vessel traffic effectively in waterways, ports and harbours is crucial to avoiding setbacks for major maritime civil engineering projects.
We deliver practical solutions for ensuring safe coexistence of maritime infrastructure, operations and other users.

International and national safety and compliance requirements are mounting for maritime organisations.
With 30 years of experience, and an eye on current trends, we are adept at helping businesses stay ahead of evolving governance and legislative requirements.

Choosing the right technology solution is challenging; getting it wrong can impact budget, delivery and reputation.
Our technical team has been defining user needs, specifying requirements, evaluating vendors and supporting the implementation of navigation management technology for over 25 years.

Get in touch to find out how we can help